Hands down, without a doubt, the two biggest bitches at Sundance – Teri Hatcher and Kristen Bell aka Veronica Mars. First Teri – saw her hangin’ off her man (ex boyfriend of Eva Longoria) arriving at the Village at the Lift where the Fred Segal suite was open for business. Pappies were flashing, she seemed smug and sated about finally finding herself a fool willing to date her, and at the same time desperately aware of the absurdity of the situation – he is, after all, a decent looking man with prospects. However, that particular swag visit was rather innocuous, in sharp contract to what happened when she showed up at the Marquee Lounge. Some of the most high end items, celebrities dropping in all day – including a gracious Sienna (am getting ill saying nice things about her) – all of them were happy to have cameras clicked on, aware that the very definition of SWAG is an exchange of promo for free sh*t, no other stars complained about the video, EXCEPT for Teri Hatcher. Bitch kicked up a little stink, demanded everything be turned off, even though she was much more accepting of the boatload of products pushed her way. Greedy AND ungracious… admirable combination, non? Seriously bitch…if you don’t want to be on Access Hollywood, don’t show up at a f*cking gift lounge at Sundance!!! And then there’s Kristen Bell – like, who the hell are you??? Rumours already swirling about a raging bitch beneath the blonde, Page Six has reported on a few occasions of diva behaviour, more of the same at the MySpace/Tao party on Saturday night - after an afternoon of swag visits, of course. So she gets there, poses on the press line, and as journalists from the networks are pleading with her for an interview – Kristin! Kristin! We love you, Kristin come over! - she turned around and in the nastiest, snarkiest, bitchest voice, sneered: I’m not talking to you, okay?” which actually wasn’t a huge surprise to everyone there, some of whom told me “She is ALWAYS bitchy, no one likes her.” sh-t, I can’t imagine why not. Source