For four weeks in a row now, Amy Schumer has been making some observations. Last night her observations focused on the late night talk show. How the host pervs out on the female guest. And how the female guest, well, behaves like Blake Lively with a double leg of Gwyneth Paltrow.

If the character name, “Amy Lake Blively”, wasn’t obvious enough for you, Amy throws in a “Preserve” namecheck too. And then her legs suddenly turn greasy and gold. You remember when G did that a few years ago with Conan?

Amy Lake Blively then proceeds to puke out every mocktress interview cliché:
-I eat SO much
-I love sweatpants
-I’m a nerd

And then the dicks get harder and harder until they group jizz all over her face.

For those of you who remain unconvinced that this is really Blake Lively though, watch the two videos below back to back.
