As promised earlier, here are the gala photos from the A Dangerous Method carpet tonight in Venice. The film is, um, the opposite of Madonna’s, getting really, really strong reviews. I already mentioned how badly I want to see it, right?

Keira Knightley in particular is earning a lot of praise for her performance and her name is now showing up on some early prediction sheets to make a return back to the Oscars as a nominee. I say it depends what category they decide to campaign for. She might have a shot at being one of the five for Supporting Actress.

But now can we talk about her dress? It’s exquisite. And I ordinarily wouldn’t like a dress like this. It always depends on the wearer, of course. Kristen Stewart, though gorgeous and stylish and elegant in her own way, couldn’t pull off this dress. Keira Knightley however, with not that much fuss, completely possesses it.

Oh but I’ve lost you again, haven’t I?

You’re too busy making dirty mind pictures with Michael Fassbender. As you were then, as you were.