About Lukas Rossi
Apparently I’m not alone in Dirty Sexy Quiveration. Yesterday’s post elicited quite the response. And so I’ve no doubt many of you will appreciate the following:
Lukas, as you know, was in Vancouver on the weekend for the Gemini Awards. After the show, he partied at Bar None, attended only by his agent, without an obnoxiously large entourage. Word is, everyone he came in contact with over the 2 days he was town says he was fantastically polite, especially his driver who was expecting a whole lotta hell but managed to return his car relatively unscathed.
More of the same inoffensive behaviour at the club. Ran into some girls who were super excited to see him. Instead of blowing them off or turning their bodies into his personal playground, he took them by the hand (yes, by the hand), led them to the bar, bought them a round of celebratory drinks for a birthday, and gave them all kisses of appreciation.
Sadly withOUT tongue.
Lukas was by all accounts “charming, friendly, approachable”.
Enjoy it while it lasts…
Thanks MB!