If for some reason Adrian Grenier is still on your Freebie Five list, it’s time to face the disease and move on. If for some reason it wasn’t enough that he was hanging out with Hollywood Ebola Paris HIlton last summer, it should be enough now that he not only remains friends with her virus but also will appear in public to support her projects.
For all intents and purposes, Adrian Grenier should be dead to you. DEAD.
Check him out, last night at the premiere of Ebola’s new straight to DVD release – don’t ask me to poison my website by actually writing the title of her sh*t stank of a movie. I refuse. The point is, the red carpet was last night, and Adrian Grenier dishonoured himself by showing up.
Like, seriously… is he poor? Is he hard up for cash? Because surely he knows that she would have let him nail her even if he had skipped her premiere, right? So it can’t have been for sex…
Which leaves money as the sole explanation. And the sole conclusion:
Adrian Grenier is a whore. A whore who has willingly embraced infection.
It’s over. Cut him off.
Photos from Splashnewsonline.com