Adrian Grenier, you’re a dumb f-ck. All he has now is Entourage. And Entourage has been good this season. The last two episodes were particularly strong. HBO has announced that next year will likely be the last with a possible film extension afterwards although it’s nowhere near confirmed. Which is the hope that Adrian Grenier, who has no career or options beyond that, is holding onto. A hope that was murdered last night when he decided to support Ebola Hilton at its fragrance launch.
There were, like, no other celebrities in attendance. Because no one wants to f-ck around with that black hole disease. But there’s Adrian, proudly flaunting his friendship with it, posing with it, smiling, even as its evil has strangled most of his professional possibilities, and likely finished off the rest with this outing.
He’s a twat, an ignorant twat. And if you’re down with him, I will shame you.
As for Ebola – this is its 10th signature scent.
...the f-ck?
I don’t give a sh-t if that sh-t smells like 33 consecutive orgasms and elicits them too, WHY would you buy something with its name on it?
I hate people.
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