Kate Hudson threw a Halloween party on Saturday night. It’s an annual tradition. And hers is the party you want an invitation too. Gwen Stefani showed with Tony Kanal. Leo D turned up behind a mask. Adam Sandler and Nicole Richie were there too in addition to many more legitimate celebrities who cleverly avoided being photographed.
So where was Adrien Brody? Adrien Brody was not at Kate Hudson’s. No, instead Adrien Brody went to Ebola Paris Hilton’s who was also hosting a party at its place that night, almost as though he needed a refill of its nfection, like he’d been running low and needed to replenish. Remember Cannes? This is when it became unforgiveable.
The great majority of you do not need convincing that he’s worthless. But there are one or two holdouts, who email on a regular basis, refusing to let this sh-t go.
Let me put it to you this way: he voluntarily entered that disease’s house, he continues to socialise with it, to acknowledge it as something worth his time. There’s really never, EVER an excuse.
Photos from Roshan Perera/Splashnewsonline.com