Alicia Keys was in New York last night at the screening of We Are Together, a documentary about her trip to South Africa working with orphans in 2006. LOVE her. So much.

She said the experience has led her to consider adoption, like Angelina Jolie:

"I"ve always loved kids. Kids are so important. It"s important to nurture and spend time with them and listen to them. I"m not ready to be a mom. But (adoption) is something that is important to consider. That"s what I really admire about Angelina. I think it"s beautiful the way she embraces children of the world. We are all one. We"re not as separate as we oftentimes think. So I possibly would, when I"m more in the motherhood stage of my life."

And because I know you’ll ask… no. She is not a lesbian. Have observed her cuddling with her man Kerry. There was nothing haggy about it.

She is SOOOO beautiful, non?

Photos from