Thanks to all of you who cared about my poo last week after this article. Turns out a LOT of you are obsessed with poo too. There’s even a poo blog. But do NOT google “poo blog” because that one is actually a little too much, even for me. I mean... I don’t need to see pictures. This Poo Site however aims to help with poo issues without the use of audio visuals. Much better.

Anyway, did you know Alicia Silverstone is really into poo too? She wrote a book about eating well and, as a benefit, pooing well. Click here for a refresher. Last night Alicia and Alanis Morissette hooked up for dinner. That got me to wondering whether or not Alicia is Alanis’s go-to Poo Friend. I force all my friends to listen to me about my poo but my best friend Fiona is probably my go-to poo person because she’s a biologist and a dietician and knows all about poo and sh-t. In other words, she’s an active participant in my poo discussion.

Alicia seems like she’d be the same. And Alanis, all earthy and spiritual, definitely probably I’m assuming talks about her poo. I don’t even want to think about what happens to poo when a woman is pregnant. STOP RIGHT THERE. I have already heard from several of you who have shared about it, before AND after the baby comes. This has only reaffirmed my decision to never have children. My poo is f-cked up enough already, I am too weak/pathetic/small/incapable/whatever-adjective-you-want-to-label-me to compound my existing poo problems with the ones you inherit when you have a child.

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