Five years ago Mean Girls was all about Lindsay Lohan. It’s now 2009 and Lindsay Lohan is too busy looking for a bump while Amanda Seyfried’s career is totally taking off.

Lilo was once attached to the film adaptation of Oscar Wilde’s A Woman Of No Importance. Then she f-cked up and the role was said to have been snatched up by Shelf Ass Jessica Biel. Clearly the producers realised that Shelfy was not right for the part, and Variety seems to be suggesting that Lilo was trying to get back in there but according to the publication has officially lost out to Amanda, now confirmed as the lead. Now it’s up to Amanda to work on the accent. She can practise with her British boyfriend.

Here are Amanda and Dominic Cooper last night in New York leaving the Kings of Leon afterparty following their show at Madison Square Garden. Sigh. Jealous. Did you go? How was it?

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