It’s his hand on her ass…it’s the way his hand can never seem to leave her ass. It’s the easy way they walk together, not practised 12 thousand times down the hall in front of a mirror but with the kind of sexy familiarity that can only be perfected between the sheets. And how.

Said it before and I’ll say it again – am a lesser person for it, and already going straight to hell, but given the opportunity, if given the choice between world peace and being a fly on the wall in Brad and Angelina’s bedroom… it wouldn’t even be a dilemma, you know? Of course I would forgo world peace.

So here they are, the unbelievably sexy Pitts, last night at the LA premiere of Oceans 13, sending the crowd into a frenzy and workin’ each other into a lather as well. I’m told it was Cannes all over again – that there was something between the two of them so electric everyone around could feel it. Said a photographer to me after returning back from shooting: “It’s hard to describe and I hope I got it in the shots but it was like they were both in heat. You want to put that stuff in a bottle.”

Judging from the photos, clearly the Pitts had a date night in the Jungle. Clearly Jungle Sex ensued.

This sh-t is like porn for me…
