Angelina Jolie in Prague yesterday actually wearing jeans and not trousers for a change. She looks good in jeans non?
Also pics from earlier this week, Angelina picking up the kids while Brad was off shooting a commercial. As you can see, Pax seems rather attached to their trusty security dude Mickey. I remember when we were in Cannes, he’d stalk up and down the lobby at the du Cap, casing out the terrace before she came down for drinks, interrogating people like he owned the place if she was at the bar.
On a few occasions, he was particularly irritated with a few people sitting alone off the bar corridor. Mickey apparently found this suspicious, apparently no one is allowed to sit by themselves. So he went up to them and questioned what they were doing there – even though he was NOT hotel security – before getting rebuffed by hotel clients who were simply waiting for friends to join them.
But as twatty as he can be, it also appears he’s decidedly much more popular with the Pitt kids. Which actually makes me hate him a little less.
PS Check out Miss Z’s face…kills me.