The Pitts took their porn to Santa Barbara this weekend as Angelina Jolie was honoured by the festival for her body of work. Of course we all only care about the speculation surrounding the Second Coming – a riddle Brad and Angelina clearly and deliberately enjoy spinning. Once again, as was the case at the SAGs last week, Angie arrived in a bump-covering ugly ass dress.

Like, seriously. Brad Pitt is a clothes horse. How is it that he can’t at least influence, just a little, what goes into her closet???

Still… when it comes to the Pitts, when their porn is on display, it doesn’t matter what they’re wearing anyway. As has been the case of late, the two totally loved it up on the carpet last night and inside the theatre too as Brad apparently couldn’t stop beaming at his lover on stage. And during the Q&A, he factored in to many of her answers – expressing gratitude about filming Mr & Mrs Smith for obvious reasons and giving Brad the edge over Matt Damon in the Sexiest Man Category. She also revealed that Brad is the best witness to the fact that she is a tech idiot – apparently Angie has a hard time even turning on a computer.

But you want to know about the bump. Well, the eTalk crew that interviewed her said they looked hard. And they couldn’t see one. To them, she didn’t “seem pregnant”. To me, in these photos, she seems 100% pregnant. We didn’t ask her outright but we did ask her about dealing with the rumour and the frenzy – her answer on eTalk tonight.

Photos from