Would you rather…
Be the one to put an end to the global food crisis, or be adopted by Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie?
Altruism is so overrated.
Can you imagine the view? Look at those toys! And to live in such close proximity to Pitt Porn every day?
Check out the Chosen One and her family in France enjoying Mother’s Day on their villa terrace with pool accessories and balloons. Am partial to the shot of Angie warning laying down the law with her kids. And the one of Brad with his shirt off.
As for the Second Coming, apparently Brad accompanied Angelina to a doctor’s appointment to check on the baby. French gossips are speculating it’ll be a June delivery allowing more than enough time for the Pitts to rock the red carpet for the second year in a row at Cannes.
Can’t wait! Nothing like seeing Pitt Porn in person!
Photos from Splashnewsonline.com