Were you one of the 3 million + who watched the video of that learning impaired pageant queen bungle up her answer during the Miss Teen USA pageant the other day? If you haven’t the pleasure, click here.
For some reason, she repeatedly refers to Iraq as “th’Iraq”… kills me every time. As does the strategic use of the phrase "such as". Snort.
Needless to say, Miss Jolie is not Miss South Carolina. And Miss Jolie can not only find th’Iraq on a map, she has actually made the trip to visit. As part of her work with the UNHCR, Angelina flew first to Syria yesterday talking with Iraqi refugees. Then she “crossed into Iraq to meet with 1,200 refugees camped out in a makeshift outpost at the border, because they are unable to leave the country. She also witnessed dozens of Iraqis crossing into Syria.”
Said Angelina:
"I have come to Syria and Iraq to help draw attention to the humanitarian crisis and to urge governments to increase their support for UNHCR and its partners. My sole purpose in both countries is to highlight the plight of those uprooted by the war in Iraq. It is absolutely essential that the ongoing debate abut Iraq"s future includes plans for addressing the enormous humanitarian consequences these people face."
Very cool. Because as much as it could be construed as publicity and image making, at the end of the day, she’s not flashing her cootie while getting out of a car, or waving from her beach house in Malibu. And if hanging out in a war torn country in the most unglamourous conditions ever guarantees a few headlines … so be it. I personally could never. I am a lesser person. I can’t even camp.
My friend Lara is somewhere in Africa right now on assignment with the kids from Degrassi. They are building a house there for those who cannot manage and shooting the process for an MTV documentary. She’s been living in a tent or some kind of hut for the last week, probably showering with only a litre of water a day, having the experience of a lifetime. If it were me, even if attended by a dozen assistants fanning me at night, hand feeding me grapes, still I couldn’t survive. And coming home to a life with Brad Pitt shuttling from private jet to million dollar residence is still not incentive enough.
I am Jennifer Aniston.
File photo of Angelina attached.