Angelina Jolie flew to the Tunisian-Libyan border to address the plight of refugees there displaced by conflict. Have received a lot of email lately from Brangelunatics pointing out the Jolie's new tat. She has the birth coordinates of all 6 of her children on her arm. And now there appears to be a 7th. I'm telling you. The tabloids should hire on a Brangelunatic permanently on staff. They could help.
So what's with the new ink?
The automatic assumption would be new adoption because, well, why do I have to explain that?
Could they have possibly added to the family without a press release? Are they waiting for an opportune moment, perhaps when there's something to promote?
Maybe it's the dog. Only a dog person would say this. And that's me. If I were a tattoo person, and the tattoos represented my kids, I'd do one for my dogs. The Brange have a dog, don't they? It's a bulldog I think.
Anyway, I'll leave this with you for speculation. Me I prefer to focus on whether or not there seems to be slightly more meat on her arms. And I mean slightly in the most relative sense. She's still skiiiiiiiinny but there's a little there, right? Like if you microscope that sh-t? No?
Last time we saw her her breasts were looking bigger too. My smutty sense is tingling a little. Or I could just be missing them. It's been a long time since they gave us some Pitt Porn.
Click here to read more about Jolie's trip to the Tunisia-Libya border.
Photo from J.Tanner/UNHCR