Pitch Perfect 2 made a lot of money. It’s an established movie franchise now. So it’s no surprise that they’re moving ahead with the third installment. Kay Cannon is back as the writer. Elizabeth Banks will produce again though it’s not clear whether she’ll direct. And it was confirmed yesterday that both Rebel Wilson and Anna Kendrick will return as well. Duana texted me about this when the news came out:
Kendrick doing PP3?! Must be an 8 figure movie
For a while there, Kendrick was putting her name forward for some superhero features. Sarah wrote then that she was one of the shortlisted actresses for Captain America 2 and Kendrick was actually her first choice – click here for a refresher. At the time Sarah was also discussing the actor’s approach to securing a superhero franchise – why so many of them are/were doing it, and how it sets up their careers.
Turns out Anna Kendrick didn’t need to be in a superhero movie. A cappella has ended up being her superhero. And why not? If Hollywood can build blockbusters around fast cars, dinosaurs, robots, and men with extreme powers, why not a blockbuster series about women who sing?
No, Pitch Perfect 2 was not a great movie. But if no one’s holding that against Fast Furious 3-6 or Transformers 2-4 or all stupid ass Ninja Turtles or ADAM SANDLER, I’m not holding it against Pitch Perfect. Let Anna Kendrick and Rebel Wilson have their money.