You know that this is my girl. And it’s been established that she can kinda do whatever she wants, seeing as how she was in the world’s last million movies. But the dressing … I dunno. Or maybe it’s the styling?

Last night there was a lot – A LOT – of black and white. As such, maybe Anna’s black and white would have been kind of fine. Bare midriff is on trend, etc, and it’s got that overlapping waist detail on the skirt. But she wears black and white All. The. Time. It’s like a kid who defaults to the official choir uniform or something. It’s soooo boring!

I’m tempted to blame J. Mendel, who she also wore to the Oscars, but there could have been some styling choices here, couldn’t there? Loose, crazy hair and a bold lip? Way back last week when we were talking about her taking over The Late Late Show, I linked to a clip of her on Dave Letterman tearing the place up in chartreuse. She couldn’t have done that? Like, expand my kingdom for some shimmery green shadow here. It’s the MET Gala!@! (I typed that @ symbol accidentally but now it’s staying as an indication of my internet-level rage.)