Anne Hathaway stepped out last night in New York to support the Public Theatre where she’ll be performing this spring. It’s not…my favourite hairstyle on her. On the weekend, The Devil Wears Prada was on. Hadn’t seen it in a while. I’ve decided I miss her with long hair. There are moments in that movie where you just…you have to pause because her face is just so interestingly beautiful. And she’s GOOD. She’s one of the best. You may have your opinions about Annie, and she gives you all kinds of opportunities to form those opinions, but you can’t argue her talent. No matter what she’s in, even if it’s Bride Wars, or when she’s trying to overcompensate for James Franco, she rarely ever sucks.
Same goes for Michelle Williams. For a minute there I was trying to remember why I associate them but then it came to me quickly: Brokeback Mountain. God, it’s the 10th anniversary this fall. 10 years. Think of a line like “Jack Nasty” delivered by a lesser actor. She too is one of the best.
Michelle’s been in Paris the last couple of days for Suite Francaise – trailer below – and also fashion week for the Louis Vuitton collection. Unlike Annie, I don’t want her to be growing out her hair. I want her to win an Oscar one day. I believe she will.
I believe my darling Carey Mulligan will as well. Carey’s bringing Skylight to Broadway. Yesterday was the photo call. The play will run for 13 weeks. I’m trying to get there in June. Considering that whenever I see her in film I feel like I can’t breathe or look away, she must be unimaginably MORE when she’s live.