Just hours after the Academy confirmed yesterday that she and James Franco would host the Oscars, Anne Hathaway turned up at the Gotham Awards last night with boyfriend Adam Schulman to present to Stanley Tucci looking very beautiful, but very thin.

They keep saying she might be host AND nominee this year. Franco...yes. Hathaway...I don’t think so. There’s not enough room and her performance doesn’t deserve it. But that doesn’t mean she won’t be good. Anne will work hard, she’ll try even harder, she’s very well liked in the community, I just hope I don’t want to punch her in the eye by the 90 minute mark. This is where Saturday Night Live helps. Because with SNL there’s always a mean edge. For the Oscars, playing to that home audience, they might sacrifice edge for safety. You know. It’s the same reason why Ricky Gervais will probably never be allowed.

Anyway, click here if you’ve forgotten what Anne was like in action at the Oscars last time. Skip to the 4 minute mark if you don’t have time to remember Hugh’s awesome open. But if you don’t have time for Hugh’s awesome open...do I want to know you?

Love this dress SO much. Which surprised me. I don’t usually love D&G.

Photos from Richie Buxo/Splashnewsonline.com and Jemal Countess/Gettyimages.com