So here’s the new issue of Us Weekly featuring Ashton Kutcher and 22 year old Sara Leal who doesn’t look like she regrets the way she landed her first magazine cover. Sara goes into full detail about what went down that night in San Diego. More on that in a minute. Let’s examine first though how this, beyond the obvious, is yet another embarrassment for Demi Moore.
You will note that Demi Moore, who has been famous forever, who has covered her share of magazines, both by choice and not by choice, has been REDUCED TO AN INSET! Sara Leal - who??? - is getting more real estate than she is! The MUCH YOUNGER twat who f-cked her husband - twice!!! - is now pushing Demi into the corner of the page.
How do you keep eating that Mrs Kutcher? How?
How do you take him back when he went bareback with her on your anniversary?
In addition to Us Weekly, Sara Leal is also talking to the UK Sun. Great. She tells the paper that Ashton wanted a threesome and at one point she was with him on the bed and another girl joined. She also says, in case you’re wondering, that Ashton doesn’t blow his load too quickly:
“We had sex twice. Everything felt natural. We were having a good time. He was good, but it wasn't weird or perverted or creepy. He had good endurance. We were up for a while. It was about two hours.”
Afterwards, BECAUSE HE IS A CHILD, Leal claims he was proud of himself for having sex with her:
“The last thing I remember him saying was he did a good job. We woke up and I was wearing a robe. He opened it up and I was like "What are you doing?" He was like, "Just checking. Ok, I did good. You're really pretty.'"
Oh and he also told her he was separated. Of course he did.
I am not interested in a discussion about how much Sara Leal sucks and what a skank she is. Can we direct all of the disdain towards him? He was, after all, the person who gave a famewhore an open door. He is famous enough and has been famous for long enough to know what happens when you don’t keep your sh-t tight. He has a wife who has been repeatedly humiliated. Forget Sara Leal. Ashton Kutcher is the problem. And if you’re Demi Moore, if you’re determined to keep this together, to stay so as to avoid being alone, you have to start forgiving, every week, from the beginning, all over again.