This is what Bai Ling chose to wear to the Shanghai Baby photocall today…are you surprised? She is the reason why some idiots still think Asian girls are good for massages and are really bendy in bed.

I mean it’s one thing to rebel against Hello Kitty, it’s another to permanently encourage the Ching Chong Mail Order Bride…which is exactly the consequence. Dudes with Asian fetishes automatically see her and continue on with their fantasies – that there is some mystical ancient Chinese secret related to the art of fellatio or some crazy tantric position that only a wife from China/Vietnam/Korea/Thailand can provide.

And of course because of this, maybe ONLY because of this, Bai Ling keeps working. Yay.

As for Shanghai Baby, it’s based on the book by Wei Hui of the same name. I think I’m the only person alive who hated it, now even more so with Bai Ling in the title role.