So many of you have emailed, mocking my Apple’s little face, particularly her odd looking eyebrows as seen on an outing with Grandma Blythe in LA.

To me, they look drawn on, perhaps from playing dressup because as you can see from another outing, this time with mum, the Dietrich brows aren’t there.

And then there’s the criticism about the faces she’s making. Apple is eating a berry and it looks rather sour, so she’s making a sour face and some gossips think she’s ugly.


I’m probably biased since I adore Gwynnie but I think she’s super cute. Not as super cute as Violet Affleck but super cute all the same. Especially as she’s skipping along the street with mum. The overbite, the built-in natural pout, and the fact that she looks exactly like her mother – all the makings of a legendary snot.

Love, love, love.


