Once upon a time, Ben was beefcake. Shined, scrubbed, slicked, coutured from top to bottom – every inch a glammed up companion to Jennifer Lopez. Since then, we’ve endured endless scruff, more than a few toques, a lowkey wife, and now a Violet baby. Not that I don’t love the Garner/Affleck union because I do. But I also miss the good looking man/bad actor we used to know and love and see on a red carpet now and again. Well, bless Goddess because Ben showed up at the Tsotsi screening last night looking clean and sharp and a lot sexier than he has in months. Maybe a tad tired – he is a father now after all. But it’s nice to see Ben pulled together for a change. Especially since 2006 marks his professional return after a well advised sabbatical from the game. In fact, I’ve just heard an interesting rumour that he’s been asked to present at the Oscars and is currently mulling over the request. I for one would love to see him there. With Jen. For the first time. Because if you’re going to finally step out as husband and wife – could there possibly be a better time?