Have received emails from many of you re: Ben Affleck’s absence at the Oscars but there really is nothing smutty to report. And even if there was, do you really think Taupe would let that go? Since marrying Ben and birthing Violet, ingratiating herself to the Mommy Majority, Jennifer Garner’s career is hotter than ever. You really think she’d kill that illusion and jeopardise her newfound status??? This girl is as cunning at Katherine Heigl and Jennifer Aniston. Don"t let the dimples fool you.

As for why Ben did not show up to support Casey and Juno – my sources say the rationale is actually kinda sweet.

First, he did not want to upstage his brother. It was Casey’s night as the nominee and it’s not ego to acknowledge that when it comes to media interest, Ben and Jen would upstage Casey and Summer every time.

Next, it’s been 10 years since Ben and Matt won for Good Will Hunting. Matt wasn’t there. Am told that Ben felt it just wouldn’t be right going back this year without his BFF. Awwww…

Instead, he chose to honour his BFF with Jimmy Kimmel. I’ve seen the video (thanks for all your messages), I love the video, just as much as I love the original – Sarah Silverman’s I’m F&cking Matt Damon.

This time it’s Jimmy’s revenge: he’s f&cking Ben Affleck with the help of a super star-studded cast in an homage to We Are The World. Hilarious. Especially Josh Groban who I normally cannot bear. But as soon as he started taking the piss out of his own piano opera boy image, it was all good. Harrison Ford was a nice touch too. Why have babies when you can dick around with Jimmy and Ben?

If on the off chance you still haven’t seen it, click here for the Kimmel clip Kimmel clip. It’s actually worth at least 2 views.