This week it was the directors’ turn to roundtable with The Hollywood Reporter. Last week Maria wrote about the Actress Roundtable, pointing out that Anne Hathaway is like jazz hands through the entire video. Click here for a refresher.

Have you watched the directors? Ben Affleck, to me, is like Anne Hathaway among the directors. Giddy. He’s looking around at all the big boys around the table and he can’t believe. It’s funny. But not as funny as the smile David O Russell has on his face through the entire discussion -- I’m not a misanthrope! 

The best of course is Quentin Tarantino who is easily, easily the most entertaining. And loud. And honest. “I just want to do great work” in Tarantino speak becomes “I WANT TO BE A LEGEND”. And yet he is still the same video store geek who loves, loves, LOVES talking about movies. Also, this:

“I'm really well versed on a lot of directors' careers, you know, and when you look at those last five films when they were past it, when they were too old, and they're really out of touch ...To me, it's all about my filmography, and I want to go out with a terrific filmography...But I do think one of those out-of-touch, old, limp, flaccid-dick movies costs you three good movies as far as your rating is concerned.”



Can we apply this across the board to actors as well?

Like, should all of Nic Cage’s Ghost Riding Treasures cost him Raising Arizona? How many does he get to asterisk for his money problems?

Anyway, my point is I could watch Tarantino do this all day. He’s crazy. And amazing. And God I can’t wait to see Django Unchained. I has to pass up the Django Unchained junket for a previously scheduled family event that was rescheduled to accommodate another junket. There is no regret but I really, really wish it could have been both. A new trailer for Django was just released and I’ve attached it below. It’s a film that will undoubtedly elicit a lot of discomfort. There are a lot of people who just don’t want to know, or remember, or learn what black people went through and where they come from, in part because they’ve bought into the fallacy of a post racial society. Djanjo might be the extreme opposite of that but at least it’s giving you something to confront.

Also attached, Ben Affleck takes Seraphina out for breakfast. We’re getting shots like this at least several times a week now. Working hard for that Best Director nomination.

Click here for the full Directors’ Roundtable with The Hollywood Reporter.