This year we get the Afflecks...
You know how hard the Afflecks have been working. Last night, from the moment they arrived, it was work time, did you see? Ben Affleck hit the carpet before Jennifer Garner did -- she must have been held up getting out of the car. As soon as she joined him though he was right in her ear -- downloading information/gossip/strategising, whatever it was, she dutifully nodded, understanding the game plan, gave him a quick kiss, and they were off...
Every time the camera cut to them during the telecast, she was beaming at him, listening rapturously as he spoke, the ever supportive wife on the campaign trail, and right now the most popular couple in the room. Ben denied recently that he’s considering running for office but, you know, at this point it would almost seem easy for them. Look at her smile. Those dimples! Those dimples were made for political office!
Note that her red carpet choices are never intimidating and always perfectly suited for MiniVan Majority approval. Note that when they’re together, she’s never the focus of attention, and deliberately so. Garner is not Lopez. Garner is happy to be powerful in the shadows, understanding the polarising effect of a woman who might be perceived as too loud or, shame, too opinionated. Right now she’s hitting exactly the perfect balance. Four weeks to go. If Argo wins on February 24, even though she wasn’t in the movie, Mrs Affleck deserves a lot of that credit.