Arguments for:
- After the original Bennifer and the asskicking to his career, Ben Affleck has been able to successfully rebuild his image and is now a respected director. The Town was well received, he’s now working on a Terrence Malick film. And he’s already eyeing his next feature behind the camera
- Much of this image rehabilitation is due to what has supposedly been a stable marriage to Jennifer Garner. He is regularly seen, when opportune, picking up his children, hanging out on family day with his wife and daughters, and (at least so far) staying out of trouble. The MiniVan is all over this.
- Affleck is a legitimate movie star, an internationally recognisable name. I was at a party during TIFF and had a chat with a Mexican journalist. He told me that he was only at the festival to cover 5 films, and The Town was at the top of the list, specifically for Ben Affleck. Beyond North America, he is huge.
- Affleck was last named SMA at the height of Lopez fever. He claims to have reformed. Securing the title now could be considered final confirmation that he is indeed a new man who has come full circle and in a better place.
Arguments against:
- Affleck was last named SMA at the height of Lopez fever. He often speaks regretfully of this time. And owning the title again may not be what he wants to enhance his resurrected reputation.
- Giving it to Affleck would mark the second year repeat for a Sexiest Man Alive. People Magazine may want to christen someone who has never worn the crown before.
- Despite the fact that he’s all cleaned up and (at the moment) appears to be scandal-free, there’s always a hint of trouble that lurks around Affleck, almost as though his badboy is simply in hibernation. If I’m an editor at People Magazine, I’m not taking this risk.
Odds: 25 to 1
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