Pace yourself, Ben. It’s a long season.

Here’s Ben Affleck at the GQ Men of the Year party last night. Part of the deal in getting the cover is to show up for the magazine’s event, although at the time of this writing (4am ET) I don’t see any photos of Channing Tatum, also Man of the Year. That may have something to do with another magazine title for Tatum but the point is, Ben, like Tatum, obviously has enough clout to say, nah, I don’t feel like showing up, if he doesn’t want to show up, especially to a party with such a  generous guest list. Chord Overstreet was there too.

But why risk pissing someone off during award season? It won’t kill him to go to everything. And he seems to be, happily, campaigning, whether it’s on the carpet on the party circuit or at the country mart with his children.

And there's four more months of this ahead. Including the Santa Barbara Film Festival where it's just been announced he'll receive the Modern Master award. Who's working harder than Ben Affleck?