Now begins our annual Best/Worst series – daily posts for the next two weeks highlighting some of year’s most memorable moments in gossip. If you have suggestions, let me know.

Am starting with Prince Harry, the standout royal, by far. Here he is today visiting London’s Midmay Hospital. As you may know, Diana supported Midmay which treats patients with HIV/AIDS. You might remember pictures of her, holding hands and hugging those with the disease, doing her part to remove confront the stigma and the misconceptions about those suffering from the illness.

That’s the kind of year it’s been for Harry. He’s been everywhere and he’s been awesome. He was awesome in New Zealand, performing Haka with the New Zealand Defence Force:

And he was so cute in a hoodie playing polo with his dull ass brother – click here to see.

And he went to Washington and charmed Americans – click here for that.

And all year long he gave such great hugs. To wounded service personnel, to children, and more children.

Diana once said she’d like to be “a Queen of People’s Hearts”. It’s Harry who’s become the Prince of Hearts, non? A corny-as-f*ck thing to say. But how else do you say it?