There was a Tidal concert last night. But the best moment of the evening did not come on stage. It happened on the carpet. When Beysus was posing.

She wore a deep cleave outfit. An assistant was making sure there wouldn't be a tit slip. Then this.


#Beyonce #TIDALX1020

A video posted by Beyoncé (@beylite) on


The "stop" is already amazing. But the fact that whoever is yelling keeps yelling "right here, queen" takes this to the highest level.


No break in expression. Not even any eye contact. It's glorious. It needs to be enjoyed over and over and over again.

Unlike her hair.

This hair. Is so not Beyoncé.

And I don't mean the style. I mean the quality. It's a lace front weave. It's been done VERY poorly. This is BEYONCÉ. There is a standard for BEYONCÉ. Whoever worked on her hair last night did not meet that standard. 



#Beyonce #TIDALX1020

A video posted by Beyoncé (@beylite) on