There is nothing else. Nothing left. Nothing but Beyonce.
You know, somehow JLO’s Slum Bear, Casper Smart, found a job choreographing for Nicki Minaj. That sh-t doesn’t feel shame but he should. Because everything else was a mess compared to what Beyonce delivered – her ENTIRE album, much of it reworked from On The Run for this, her MTV Video Vanguard moment, so that there could be no question about Who Is The Greatest?
It’s just Beyonce.
On her ability to make dance moves with her eyebrows alone, she is the living greatest.
But the new sequencing for Drunk In Love?
What you saw is fresh. That’s not how she performs it for On The Run. Because Beyonce Never Stops. She won’t let us stop? What?
This is currently the final exam at the Faculty of Celebrity Studies. There is so much to process! Beyond the dance moves and the facial expressions, we still need to break down the lyrics. Why did she choose specific passages and sections from those particular songs? You want to start examining her messages? She’s f-cking you with her messages. While we argue about whether or not Beyonce is a feminist, she’s standing, solo, in silhouette up against the word. She’s giving you all kinds of new course material to parse, to debate, to make into history, then legend…as she builds her own presidential library and marks her own milestones.
Last night was 100% for the archive. So then let’s discuss the significance of having JayZ and Blue present her with her award. It’s not like she couldn’t have asked anyone else. But in choosing her husband to hand it to her, amid all this talk of separation and imminent divorce, she decided that she wanted him written in stone for this moment, during this moment of celebration, of self-celebration, she wanted to include him, she insisted on including him.
This is MORE than just shutting down rumours. You have to think about it from her perspective, a much more grand perspective. Like in her presidential library, if one entire wing of the building is decided to her music video achievement, that’s the clip she’ll have on loop playing as a hologram in a temperature controlled chamber. This how is how Beyonce thinks. JayZ has been acknowledged as part of her legacy.
“Sometimes sh-t go down when there’s a billion dollars in an elevator.” Twice.
So XO is the new Halo.
God. I could talk about this all day. All week. What else is there? Who else is there???