A showdown
Hell no I can’t slow down
It’s gonna go

Were you down with Let Your Backbone Slide outside of Canada?

It’s our favourite – a throwdown is brewing. And this time it’s not about reality show skanks but two starry adversaries pitted against each other for a role and several threads connecting them.

Scarlett Johansson and Blake Lively are apparently competing for a part in Alfonso Cuaron’s next feature. Robert Downey Jr has already been confirmed as the male lead and they’re looking for a formidable actress to play a scrappy astronaut in Gravity.

Blake’s audition took place a month ago. Scarlett’s was last week. Neither have received offers but there were rumours a couple of weeks ago that Blake wanted it so badly she sold out Scarlett to get on Cuaron’s list. Some say Blake actually only heard of the project on the New Orleans set of Green Lantern, where she was working with Scarjo’s husband Ryan Reynolds. Scarlett was really into the part, she talked about it being her next film, and five minutes later, Blake is somehow reading for the director.


This Lively she is hungry. And she will go where she needs to go, do who and what she needs to do, use every breast, and every inch of leg, to get what she wants. What she probably wants right now is an exit strategy from Gossip Girl.

Playing the open mouth breathing tart in a superhero movie is one thing, and tarting it up for Ben Affleck is another, but can Lively really do Cuaron? Cuaron by the way is the director of one of my favourite movies of all time, as noted frequently on this blog, Y Tu Mama Tambien. He won’t tolerate Blake’s Selena mumbling.

And while it feels like Blake, at 22, is the young snatchy brat in this situation, it’s easy to forget that Scarlett, now a Tony Award winner, is only 25. She seems older, non? You’d call them contemporaries, I guess, but Scarlett would probably take exception to that.

Source Entertainment Weekly
Photos from Wenn.com