Blake Lively makes a big ass deal about the fact that she dresses herself. At least she claims to. She says it like the track record is worth taking credit for. And one of the consequences of her dressing herself?
Blake often wears clothes that are toooooooooooo small.
Remember the Golden Globes in 2009? Click here to see. It’s worth a revisit. And it’s worth nothing that Blake Lively turned a Nina Ricci into something tight and tacky.
Well, now that everyone’s forgotten about her nude photo scandal, she’s at it again. Check out Blake last night in New York at the Versace for H&M presentation wearing her tits like a shelf comme Porny Jessica Simpson. God, would it kill you to go up ONE size??? Because I actually don’t mind the look. I’m into the black and the white, the tuxedo jacket is good, the tights are good. It could have been good...
But for the fact that she can’t resist jamming her sh-t together up front like she thinks we could have possibly forgotten that her breasts may or may not be real.
Then again, Ryan Reynolds was married to Scarlett Johansson. He’s a boob man. Is that what this is about???