Brad & Angelina: the body language experts
Media machination is more than just strategy and timing - it is also about commitment, about fully executing the mission, and using whatever it takes to pull it off convincingly.
And this is why so many celebrities attempt to stage and fail miserably…because they approach the task without true engagement, a halfhearted or overhearted effort that leaves more questions than answers, like the Witherspoons last year at the Golden Globes: a public tongue disaster that had “campaign” written all over it.
Which brings us to the Pitts. Sure…it goes without saying… there MUST be something for sale or at the very least, an emphatic point to make. But when these two spin, when these two decide to play, there is no other couple that can match the Pitts move for move, turn for turn.
Take last Thursday for example. Brad and Angelina show up for an art exhibit, reportedly kissing and hugging for an audience, more affectionate than they’ve ever been with cameras flashing, allowing photographers to capture them in various shades of intimacy rarely made available to those of us hungry for more “Brangelina”.
And yet, despite the obvious calculation behind such a manoeuvre, how can you not appreciate the beauty in the body language, the subtle story told in pictures, the way just one outing can result in a magazine overshadowing best dressed… who cares???
Not me. Not when Angelina is clutching the arm of her Brad as they’re exiting the gallery: wife, mother, activist, at once illuminating his masculinity and reinforcing her beguiling newfound vulnerability…irresistible on both sides. And then the candid shots from inside the event, a private conversation between lovers, her smile reserved only for his face, the way his tongue is sticking out, amused by her tease, and then his hand reaching inside her coat, the confident and possessive way a man reaches for his woman – it’s the hint of what they have, it’s the fantasy of the African heat, finally a glimpse of the kind of animal sex that kicked off a globe trotting affair to remember, the inspiration behind my 5 Part Erotica Last Year, and an invitation perhaps to begin softcore writing anew.
As for why the recent media courtship? Finally a fresh tip after months of dry weather. I hear the Pitts are testing the waters for a coming out party, potentially working up to their debut red carpet in a couple of months and, depending on how things go, hopefully making a presence all over award season.
Hollywood polling… do you love it, or do you LOVE it?