It’s been too long, I’ve missed it so much… have you?

Praise Xenu – Pitt Porn made a raging return last night at the Critics’ Choice Award as Brad and Angelina were affectionate on the carpet and total hotness inside. Actually… total hotness outside too. Total hotness everywhere!

Check out the photos – not feeling Angie’s curlers but still…with that face, does it matter? She is stunning. The most beautiful she’s looked in months. And healthy. But it was Brad on Monday who set loins afire.

He is, and has always been, a man of style. The suit, the scarf, the shoes, the way he wears it all…and then the debut of the new hair. Hair expertly tousled but looking like it hasn’t been tousled at all – f*ck that’s sexy. Makes me wish Becks would finally grow his out too.

See but as much as I love the Plastic Porn of the Beckhams, there really is no porn compared to Pitt Porn. First outside the auditorium, the two were late arriving and weren’t allowed inside til commercial. According to USA today, “they killed time by chatting with Casey Affleck and canoodling up against the wall.” Damn. I can totally picture him pressing up against her.

And here is Pitt Porn on loving display during the event. You will note, Angie’s tits were also on loving display propped atop the table, complete with a certain glow.

You’ll note, many people have been waiting a long, long time for a certain date on the 2008 calendar.

August 8, 2008 – considered by the Chinese to be the luckiest day of the decade. And you know the Pitts are all about the Asian business.

Can you imagine? Can you imagine if the Chosen One The Sequel gets released this year just in time to spoil Granny Freeze’s party? What other baby could rival the Chosen One The Sequel? No baby! Can you imagine the fit Nicole Kidman will pitch if the Pitts actually piss all over her anticlimactic pregnancy?

Please Xenu. Make it happen.

Photos from