They had that look in their eye last night – that wild horny vibe they pulled out in Cannes last May, the same wild horny vibe that evokes jungle sex memories from their African sojourn during the early stages of their relationship, when Brad supposedly impressed locals with lovemaking so fierce, Angie’s moans rocked an entire resort…remember that? 

And here they are again, bringing their brand to London for the premiere of Beowulf looking as captivating and as glamourous as ever with Angelina showing a little fashion flair in leather pants and huge tits, almost in defiance of the tabloid headlines denouncing her small frame. Indeed, she appears to even be trying to create some back fat. And this is the ass that Brad’s hand can’t stop touching. Well no wonder. 

Only one couple in the world can inspire a frenzy and Tom Cruise doesn’t come close. 

Pitt Porn is my favourite. 

photos from Splash