From Lisa G: on Madge & Guy
Looking at some photos of the pitt jolies and Madonna and guy and Jamie olliver and it occurs to me that she, Madonna is leeching onto anyone who is in the public eye…what the frick is that about????Does it not seem that the material girl makes and loses friendships at a rather unnatural pace…perhaps kabalistic?????
Dear Lisa,
Seems like I"m in a defending mood today. Thing is, Brad and Guy go way back. Back to Snatch, a movie directed by Mr Ritchie starring Mr Pitt. As for Jamie Oliver, here"s the irony - Brad once flew Jamie over to LA to prepare a private meal for his then-wife Jennifer Aniston. And so when he was in London last week, he gathered all his buddies round for dinner, and natually Mr Ritchie brought his wife. Who is very good friend of my best friend Gwyneth, and they have been for years, and you know of course Gwyneth was Brad"s angelic love so as you can see, everyone gets along just fine.
As for your contention that La Madge makes and loses friendships at a rather unnatural pace, I"d say it was probably true 10 years ago but for the most part, since she"s had children, she"s kept a steady and pretty tightknit circle that consists of the aforementioned Paltrow, Stella McCartney, Trudie Styler, and several other rich pampered socialites who have nothing better to do than compare couture closets and talk about how rough life is. Now with friends like that, why would you ever want to ditch them???