Freddie Frinze Jr with wife Sarah Michelle Gellar at the Tribeca Film Fest premiere of Suburban Girl.

Hate to be mean but the new millennium has not been kind. Because let’s be honest… his acting ain’t all that. His looks however, well back then, anyway - Freddie was delicious, non? Delicious in She’s All That, super cute in Boys and Girls, and adorable in Down to You. All terrible movies… but you rented them all, don’t lie.

Not all men get better with age, see? Not all men blossom in their 30s. Not all men are George Clooney. Or Brad Pitt. Or George Clooney and Brad Pitt in Oceans 13 – can you stand it?

PS. Hate what she’s wearing. SO Pretty Woman circa 1990, don’t you think?
