New photo of Angelina en route to the set, ridiculously beautiful as usual. But because it’s Angelina…a new scandal has emerged… A new report was released yesterday from Radar Online with alleged information that the Pitts have reneged on a pledge made to a Namibian pre-school originally made at the time of the Chosen One’s arrival. Apparently a British film crew travelled to the country recently to shoot a piece on the Pitts and during an interview with the Headmistress of the Democratic Resettlement Community school she was “visibly upset off camera” because the donation has yet to materialise. Needless to say, this has elicited scorn and protest from haters across the gossip universe…and rightly so, if this turns out to be case. And if it does indeed turn out to be the case, by all means, giv’er and giv’er hard. Tear ‘em up, spit ‘em out, put them on the same level as Tori Spelling and Kevin Federline. However, before you sharpen your teeth, just a few notes on the off chance you might want more information. I spoke with a couple of sources today who said that while the Pitts announced their gift shortly before leaving Africa, beneficiaries for the donation were never officially selected or named and the $15,000 off the top for the DRC was to be managed as part of the larger contribution. In fact, at that famous press conference in Namibia, the Pitts said themselves that they would work with the First Lady of Namibia Penexupifo Pohamba to direct their generosity, believing that their money would best be put to use if recipients were selected by locals who were better informed. My sources were also quick to point out it is not a question of blame but of philanthropic administration, not unheard of in the world of fund development, which is why the Pitts are loathe to comment on any situation that puts the onus on anyone else - and while we’re on the topic of fundraising, Covenant House Vancouver is kicking off our annual "30 days for 30 nights campaign’ right now to support at-risk youth for 30 days during the month of December. Sorry I digress. Anyway, that’s the story as I hear it - not particularly scandalous, the cheap bastards angle is definitely more fun to believe and much more palatable to those who are sick of the Pitts anyway… so go to it. Hate away. I’ll join you just as soon as I get confirmation they did indeed scam out.