The Daily Ugly: Brad Pitt
He’s getting older and fatherhood is taking a slight toll, but Brad is Brad. And I’d still give him my Chinagirl if he ever came calling. But these shoes, worn during a trip last week to the Caribbean, do nothing for my loins. Maybe with an Ocean’s Eleven Italian suit. Maybe with anything other than a white tee and beat up jeans. Because they way it stands now, all I think is oily Euro perv with 8 sets of hands groping you in places that aren’t for sale. Nope. I ain’t feeling it.
While we’re on the subject of Daddy Brad, let’s address those break up rumours that have so many of you emailing me in a panic. Tabloids are reporting that Angelina threw him out, that they are fighting, that because they haven’t been seen together in over a week, it means that things are looking tense. My sources find this very hard to believe. Not because they’ve spoken to the Family Pitt themselves but because NO ONE has spoken to the Family Pitt. Like I’ve been saying for weeks, ever since they removed themselves from leaky American territory, all roads inside their lives have been sealed. Which means that no one has reliable information about the inner workings of that relationship.
But. Considering that the rags were all WRONG two weeks ago about the Como wedding, given that Brad hasn’t tried to re-establish ties with anyone stateside (and he most certainly would if he suddenly found himself childless and single), these split reports are HIGHLY suspect.
Oh. And about those Aniston/Vaughn wedding rumours? Give me a break. Rumour has it screen tests for The Break Up have come back stinky. So although the studio will probably deny that that’s the reason behind the reshoots, drumming up some advance interest in the film to build anticipation wouldn’t be out of the question. No coincidences in Hollywood, remember? Still – I think I’m going to see it anyway. Vince Vaughn is a doll. And at the end of the day, in spite of my Aniston hateration, they do make a lovely mediocre couple, don’t you think?