Every few weeks or so it’s bound to happen. A Pitt split bullsh*t story…
But how many times does Life & Style have to get it wrong before they go out of business?
First… as I reported from TIFF… Brad and Jennifer Aniston did not hook up in Toronto. Quite the opposite. He barely left his hotel, made every attempt and had everyone rearrange logistics so that he didn’t have to leave his hotel, and she went out of her way to avoid being anywhere near the vicinity, and never alone either. In fact, Jen was highly visible throughout her festival stay, as probably everyone on the circuit was aware of her every move, finishing up, as I reported exclusively, with some sexy Gerry Butler flirtation. There was no Pitt on the hidden agenda.
Brad as you know is much more stealth. Which for amateur gossips is an invitation to report that he and the Jolie are now done.
To answer all your emails: The Brange lives.
They were spotted today in France sharing a big breakfast in the backyard with their babes and her publicist has released a statement that all rumours about the demise of their partnership are “absolutely not true”.
Of course they’re not true. Because they are a brand. And they are just getting started. And because they’re not stupid. If you’re Brad Pitt, how much better does it get than Angelina Jolie… right now? And if you’re Angelina Jolie, how much better does it get than Brad Pitt…right now.
So never mind wondering if they’re still together. It’s not worth your gossip attention. Wonder instead…
Who the f&ck buys Life & Style? And why?