The NY Post lit into the Brange the other day in a scathing article accusing the Heavenly Couple of “smugness” on the red carpet at the Oscars. A new round of tabloid covers this week runs the gamut from suggesting the Pitts will split to Jennifer Aniston demonstrating her continued love for Brad, to Angelina plotting against Jen for John. Or something.
Or nothing.
What was I saying?
What were you saying?
Can you remember?
Because it’s the Chosen One! Because you’ve been hypnotised by the sight of the Chosen One, the blonde haired blue eyed genetic jackpot, that mesmerising little cherub who has the power to take awy all the badness.
Here she is – Shiloh Jolie Pitt with her siblings Pax, Maddox, and Miss Zahara, along with her parents, going to see the Little Mermaid last night. The First Family has taken up residence in New York while Angelina shoots Salt. Brad is expected in Cannes for Inglourious Basterds so presumably they’ll jet back to Nice in time for the festival where for the third – or will it be the fourth? – year in the row we’ll see them sur les marches.
Time to get trampled again.
But we’re still 10 weeks out. Why worry about that now?
No worries…
Focus on Shiloh. She takes away all worries. Even when she’s picking her nose.
Photos from Ron Asadorian /