Last night. At the American Society of Cinematographers’ Outstanding Achievement Awards. Brange was there to support Roger Deakins who worked on Unbroken. Not really an event where you’d see big photo-sellable stars. So we don’t have a lot of shots of them. Only these, taken from inside the event at the table, or moving around their table. But they’re good enough so that we can see the hair game. And it’s the best coordinated hair game they’ve shown us in a while.

Am with Jordy, Key Hair for The Social, and both of us think it took longer for his hair to be styled than hers. Look at those gentle waves, made to look like he just ran his fingers through it a few times. Yeah. Maybe after a little curling iron and some pomade? Come on. Let’s not pretend that the men aren’t vain.

But while they gave us the hair, Brange did not give us any porn. At least not for the cameras. Normally at these events, they’re good for at least a couple of neck and face rubs. The closest we’re coming to that is that he held on to her clutch.