Brange did not attend the Amal-George wedding this weekend. But every day since they’ve been making headlines. She bought him some crazy expensive watch. Click here for more details. Then PEOPLE ran a feature about their first month of marriage. Click here for more on that. And he covered British GQ. Click here to see that. And now he’s in Psychologies magazine and talking about how much he loves being a father and what his kids mean to him and why it’s the most important thing he’s ever done. Oh yeah, he has a film coming out soon. It’s called Fury.
Nothing makes headlines like baby talk.
I was just reading the excerpts from Psychologies (couldn’t they have used a more recent photo?) here and, frankly, not all that interested, not interested enough to do a post about it but then a reader called Jenna emailed me about the behind-the-scenes Maleficent footage of Brange being “set parents” as posted on the BradPittOnline tumblr and I thought, well, this is way more effective than him offering platitudes about fatherhood. The visual has way more impact. Look at how Vivienne adores her mother. Look at how easily those kids jump into their dad’s arms. Oh come on. They wanted you to see this.
Click here and here to see the video.