While the Jolie shoots Salt in Washington DC, Brad Pitt and the girls enjoyed a trip to the toy store today. As I mentioned yesterday, folks on Capitol Hill lost their sh-t when he dropped by. Imagine then the crazy ass frenzy surrounding a sighting of The Chosen One? Look at those people standing around taking pictures. F-cking madness. They’re the same People magazine readers who have the audacity to get all indignant about paps. Or the Brangelunatics who on one hand beg for Pitt privacy and on the other flock to the internets every time there are new photos.
Miss Zahara hates them. Both photographers and the loser fans. Check out her sass, even more pronounced when she’s wearing shades. Kills me when kids wear shades. Miss Z makes it work. Miss Z was born to wear shades and give bitch bitch face. I love her and she’s my favourite.
As for the little Shiloh, well she’s already taking after dad.
The Chosen One looks great in pants. She’s wearing the sh-t out of those grey cords.
Do you hear that? MiniVans are stopping everywhere. They’re falling on their knees, hands to the skies.
How long before she gets her own cover again? Let’s worship the blonde white baby and ignore all the coloured ones!
Photos from Gene Young/Splashnewsonline.com