Promised yesterday to tell you about the crazy near-riot situation on Saturday night in Toronto brought on by the deranged Brangelunatics.

Following the premiere of the Assassination of Jesse James, Brad and Angelina were supposed to head over to Amber for the private after party. It’s late, around 11 or so. They were in the car when they were spotted by the crazies. All of a sudden a mob surrounds their vehicle and people are jumping out of their own rides from across the street, stopping traffic just to get close. At one point, there were a few freaks who had actually climbed ON to their car, completely blocking them from being able to drive away.

As they tried to inch forward, some lady with a baby comes running, pressing her kid UP AGAINST THE WINDOW OF THE MOVING CAR!!! Brad’s publicist jumps out – she’s like: get your baby away from the car, someone is going to get hurt!!! And you know what the woman said? She said, “I don’t care, I want my baby to see Brad!!!”


Who are these people?

So anyway, Brad at this point is pissed – he could be seen screaming at his driver: Drive! Just drive! And Angelina had her head down repeating her mantra: Get back to the hotel. Get back to the hotel. Get back to the hotel.

Which is why they diverted back to the Park Hyatt and held court at Roof II along with every other celebrity in town. But while the two were certainly shaken at the time, I’m told inside they seemed relaxed and relieved and ready to kick back and party. But also eager to get the hell out of town.

Here they are back in NYC – Brad picking up Maddox from school (cutest!) and Angelina taking Miss Zahara shopping for toys.
