What do you make of this?
Britney’s reason for cutting off her mother – she says she’s not an addict, was never an addict, and feels her mother and her manager and her ex husband betrayed her by pushing her into rehab for addictions that never existed.
Threatened by KFed, Britney entered Promises as those around her denied her access to her kids until she did what they wanted. Inside Promises however it was allegedly determined that she was not a chronic drug and alcohol abuser but was in actuality suffering from post partum depression.
After her release, when tabloids began questioning her ability to stay clean, given that she had been seen drinking again which is of course antithetical to any work that would have been accomplished in treatment, Britney decided along with her assistant Allie that she would prove once and for all that she was coerced into Promises.
Subsequent phone calls to the facility for medical records apparently revealed that she did indeed test clean, but only one week after being checked in. Which prompts the question from TMZ – if they had no idea what they were dealing with, how were they treating her in the first place?
Britney supposedly maintains that she was being controlled by her mother and Federline in conjunction and that Kevin’s recent attempts to stonewall their divorce agreements reflect his ongoing greed – by refusing to sign off on the terms of their split, he is dangling the welfare of their children as a pawn in getting more money.
Furthermore, word is KFed is behind many of the leaks that have landed with many of the weeklies – details of her drinking and partying that have swayed the public into believing she’s off the wagon so soon after exiting treatment while 2 babies are in her care.
Now, with the support of her publicist and her attorney, Britney is said to be fighting back, securing documentation that will clear her name and most importantly securing her right to raise her children without interference.
Between a dumb-as-f*ck pop tart or her golddigging ex husband and the stage mother who pulls the strings, between sh-t and diarrhea, who do you believe?