The court heard her request and found a compromise: Britney will be allowed one overnight visit a week with her babies but the supervising monitor will NOT be her mother. She’ll apparently have to get over her “trust issues”.

All parties seemed to agree yesterday’s developments were a step in the right direction.

Britney’s behaviour unfortunately suggests otherwise.

People Magazine is quoting a court spokesperson as saying that Chicken Fried spoke in a “soft and respectful” voice. Her attorney meanwhile said the following:

"I consider this a very positive sign for my client. I have every expectation that she will comply with all the orders made by the court. I remain absolutely optimistic that she will eventually regain 50-50 custody." on the other hand is telling a different story. According to them, Britney was abrasive, she was rude, she kept cutting the judge off, and left the courthouse in tears. This video seems to confirm that state of mind as Britney appears to be holding back tears.

Also in the video, and much more offensive, are her comments to the paps. For someone with “trust issues” she talks them a whole lot, non? When asked how things went at the hearing, she replied that it’s all “cool” and then GOES ON TO INSULT THE JUDGE!!!

“I don’t know if the judge can take it but I was cool.”

Chicken Fried Insolent! Chicken Fried Stupid!

Is she really sad smut??? Is she really? Someone who had to beg, TO BEG!, to get her children for just one night, and then turns around and disrespects a judge who granted her request?


Arrogance doesn’t merit sympathy.

Of course after her perceived victory, Britney took the photographers on a shopping spree. Because that’s what you do when you want to show you’re a qualified parent.

And then of course there’s the career. The owner at Millennium Dance Studio told Us Weekly Britney will be using the space to rehearse for a tour and was scheduled to audition dancers.

Would love nothing more than to see Britney back on tour. But can Britney still tour? Can Chicken Fried de-lazy and get back to work?

She can’t make it to a court hearing on time, she could barely stand up at the VMAs… a tour ain’t happening any time soon. Trust.