Mentioned yesterday that Britney was, according to the paps, supposedly auditioning a new choreographer which would have meant that she’s dumped Wade Robson from the Circus tour. Yes and no.

Wade Robson is indeed no longer on the team. But Jamie King didn’t have to audition for the job either.

Jamie King has been confirmed to direct Circus, having worked with Britney Before on Oops…I Did It Again and of course known for his relationship with Madonna – Drowned, Reinvention, Confessions, and most recently Sticky & Sweet.

She’s in good hands, for sure. But with Jamie at the helm, she won’t be able to half ass her fried chicken all over the dance floor either. Even more pressure…

And even more bills to pay.

To her family!

Word is, Britney has been ordered to increase her father’s monthly salary from $10K to over $16K now that he’s busting his ass supporting her comeback. Plus, on top of that, he needs an extra $1200 for an office.

All that? For cheese grits?

And then there’s her brother. She now apparently has to write her brother a cheque for $200,000 to as compensation for putting the conservatorship in place this year.

Needless to say, Bryan Spears doesn’t have a real job.

Yay for child stardom!

Cheese Grits

Photo from